WELCOME and THANK YOU for visiting, I promise you won’t be disappointed! My name is Michael Anton Kapneck Sr. . I was born June 23rd, 1972, in Washington, D.C. and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland… “Potomac” to be exact. Nevertheless, this site isn’t just about me per se, it’s about the power of God and His ability to take what the world considers “foolish” to shame the wise. The “weak” to shame the strong.; The lowly things of this world and the despised things― and the things that are not― to nullify the things that are, so that no-one can boast (1st Cor 1:27-29). Therefore, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord (2nd Cor 10:17). And as the Apostle Paul said, “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” So there’s a lot of that… boasting about my weaknesses to show God’s power. In addition, I’m working diligently to free myself from custody as well as create a platform for those who’ve I’ve met along the way i.e. prisoners, patients and plain people. And if you don’t feel there’s anything to be learned from the “weak”… “despised”… “lowly”… perhaps I can change your mind. Because the stories and interviews I’ll be presenting are some of the most shocking, sad and sick I’ve ever heard. They need to be witnessed because they ARE the reality so many of us experience but never talk about. The secrets we keep to ourselves out of embarrassment, fear, condemnation, and ridicule. Things like: prescription medication/illegal drug use, mental illness, crime, jail, prison, mental institutions, treatment programs, sex, relationships, spirituality, good, evil, politics, money and “yes”… even murder.
Finally, I feel it’s incredibly important for ALL to know… This entire site was paid for with donations, blood, sweat, tears and the life force of countless men and women. Many who are no longer with us, and to me they’re more than talking points or statistics… They were/are my friends, my family and my loved ones. They were/are also strangers, acquaintances and possibly angles. That said, this site is dedicated to ALL whom I’ve met along the way, especially those who can’t speak for themselves (Pro 31:8a).
*No Soliciting.
*Serious Inquiries Only!
*SMM, Inc., Welcomes Question, Suggestions & Corrections.
Saint Michael
“To the Good Fight!”